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MT150EMore Hunts from this outfitter
Hunt Description
For the serious elk hunter, Montana is often high on the list of states they want to hunt. With a large elk population that produces some very large bulls coupled with ample non-resident permits, it is a very attractive destination. Tags to hunt with this outfitter do require a drawn tag, but with the current management strategy, anyone that applies will draw the tag.
Archery hunts are scheduled for the prime rut period in September and October with the rifle just prior to the expected migration to winter ranges. The muzzleloader is a unique opportunity to hunt during the migration and once the elk hit the wintering range. The muzzleloader season requires traditional muzzleloader equipment. In-line rifles and magnifying scopes are prohibited.
Due to the vast Montana wilderness in these areas, the quality of bulls available in this area is higher than in other places - especially during the late muzzleloader season. Seeing bulls in excess of 300 is quite common.
Hunters are encouraged to have a wolf, black bear and/or mountain lion tag as it is not uncommon to see these species. There is a $1,000 trophy fee if one of these are taken.
Weapon Archery, Rifle, Muzzleloader
Date Duration 6-days
Animal Quality Most up to 300. Some 320+
Permit License Pricing Base hunting license - $15
Big Game Combo - $1,108
Elk Only Combo - $934
Permit Method Drawing
Price 1x1 - $7,000
2x1 - $6,500
Included Guide, field transportation, trophy care
Not Included food, lodging, transportation, meat processing, gratuities
Closest Airport Missula, Montana
Phone 801-979-8843 (Jon)
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